
  • https://youtu.be/1DBR4w73A_A I'm thrilled to share a piece of my story with you, a tale that I hope will resonate with many of you, as it's a journey through life's struggles and triumphs—a narrative I believe is not unique to [...]

  • Greetings, dear readers! Today, I'm thrilled to share with you a slice of my life, a story that unfolds in the corridors of the Palace of Velocity, amidst the excitement of the Nedbank Golf Challenge. As I find a quiet [...]

  • There's a peculiar thing about human nature: we're all wired for survival, yet our modern lives are relatively safe. So why do we often feel as if we're on the brink of catastrophe? That gnawing sensation in your gut, the [...]

  • Have you ever noticed the uncanny resemblance between the entrepreneurial spirit and the whirlwind of ADHD? It's as if our minds are hardwired for a constant influx of ideas, a relentless drive to start new projects, and an insatiable hunger [...]

  • Much is written about South African’s high level of resilience, our never-say-die attitude or as they say in Afrikaans – ‘n boer maak ‘n plan. Research has shown that we have a higher level of resilience than many nations around [...]

  • As we experience interruptions and curved balls in our businesses, it struck me that where we find ourselves now is not very different to where we were in early 2020 at the start of the pandemic.   The major difference [...]

  • As Business Owners our mindset plays a pivotal role in achieving success, not only for growing our business but also for our happiness in life. A positive mindset allows us to approach challenges optimistically and see opportunities whereas a negative [...]

  • Motivation is a great driving factor in productivity. It takes a lot to slow down a motivated individual. It is therefore important to ask: what motivates people to work? Motivation to work is much more than the pay offered to [...]

  • The new year is now in full swing and over the last couple of weeks I have spent time finalising my own business plan and also engaging with many of our Franchise Partners on their business plans for the year. [...]

  • Recent research has highlighted several critical traits of successful entrepreneurs and business owners. Growth mindset is one such trait, which is the belief that personal qualities and abilities can be developed through effort and learning. Entrepreneurs with a growth mindset [...]

  • It’s finally happened.  The 1st of January has finally polarised society. One half is over the moon with excitement of what a new year may bring.  They’ve got exciting goals, or at least some New Year’s resolutions, and they can’t [...]

  • What a difference a year can make! One year ago, my family and I were just getting back to ‘normal’ after COVID-19. Then the riots in certain areas of South Africa occurred. This knocked our confidence and our security and [...]

  • December is upon us, leaving many of us wondering where the time has gone.  It provides us with the opportunity to reflect on the year that has passed whilst clarifying what needs to be done in 2023 to make it [...]

  • Someone said to me the other day “I don’t want to be rich because rich people are selfish.” This took a few moments to digest as the wealthiest people I know personally do an incredible amount to give back to [...]

  • I grew up thinking that it is wrong to aspire to be wealthy. Being wealthy meant for me that you earned and accumulated more than you need. Later in life I did some serious introspection and realised that this mindset [...]

  • I love it when people say to me: "but Harry, it's not about the money." Really?!  Do you actually believe that? Now I'm the first to support that money isn't everything. There are a lot of things that are important. [...]

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