Welcome to a journey through the distilled wisdom of years spent in the trenches of business growth and entrepreneurship. I'm here to share with you seven simple, yet profound tactics that can steer your business towards success. These lessons are [...]
As an entrepreneur, you're often told it's not about the money—until there is none. That's when you realise that while money isn't everything, it certainly becomes the only thing when it's missing. This stark reality is something I've come to [...]
Like it or not, there are very few ‘secrets’ left in the world. Google has already, for free, provided us with all the answers human beings know. So why then are some people a lot more productive, and dare I [...]
6 steps to building a business that buys you time and freedom: Business Basics to World Class: In this step, you need to focus on understanding the fundamentals of business and how to develop them to achieve world-class results. [...]
The new year is now in full swing and over the last couple of weeks I have spent time finalising my own business plan and also engaging with many of our Franchise Partners on their business plans for the year. [...]
It’s finally happened. The 1st of January has finally polarised society. One half is over the moon with excitement of what a new year may bring. They’ve got exciting goals, or at least some New Year’s resolutions, and they can’t [...]
What a difference a year can make! One year ago, my family and I were just getting back to ‘normal’ after COVID-19. Then the riots in certain areas of South Africa occurred. This knocked our confidence and our security and [...]
There are some sectors that are more cyclical than others, like the hospitality sector which has fairly large swings in demand. But there are numerous industries, micro industries, SMME’s and solo proprietors who are affected by this phenomenon. As [...]
For the last two years, we have lived through a pandemic that literally halted and shifted our ways of life and threatened to change the course of humanity, Russia invaded Ukraine and exacerbated the challenges that Covid-19 seemly had laid [...]
One of the most valuable systems you can implement in an organisation is a steady rhythm. This creates the pulse that your team works to, which in turn creates the steady pulse your organisation needs to thrive. How do you [...]
As an ActionCOACH Business Coach – I often meet business owners when they have come to an impasse, with their business. The conversation often starts with at least one of the following statements: “After so many years and so much [...]
It's that time of the year again... Love is in the air! I firmly believe that our love of another person is something that should be constantly expressed, worked on and strengthened throughout our lives – and not just one [...]
Over the last couple of months, I have heard many people referring to the uncertain times that we live in and how that has impacted and sometimes even crippled businesses. The events of the last two years have brought the [...]
A quick story: It was August 2009, my first year of being a Business Coach at ActionCOACH when I attended my first ActionCOACH Global Conference in Sydney, Australia. At the conference, I met a seasoned coach from the US and made the bold decision [...]
Welcome back to 2022. I hope you at least managed to get some rest time over the festive period and that you enjoyed some peace and quiet, some great family time, some ‘me’ time, and of course that you had [...]
It was great bidding 2021 farewell and here we are at the beginning of a new year full of dreams, expectations, and opportunities which we approach with a bit of a “nervous twitch” because the previous two years have been [...]
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