business opportunities

  •   Foundations of Success Business Webinar How certain are you as the Business Owner that your business has been built on a solid foundation that ensures lasting success, or have you noticed cracks beginning to appear, threatening its stability? As a [...]

  • GrowthCLUB - ActionCOACH Inala  GrowthCLUB is a once-a-quarter workshop that makes creating tactical plans for your business both educational and fun. With one day planning sessions every quarter along with monthly meetings to help you stay on course…In GrowthCLUB, you [...]

  • Is ActionCOACH Right for you? Are you passionate about business and helping others? Had enough of the corporate world and need to do something for yourself? Tired of building someone else's business and want to start building your own? Do [...]

  • You're invited to the Grand Opening of Liska Mullers ActionCOACH Launch!  The launch will consist of a seminar, good food and the opportunity to network with the businesses in the area.  The seminar will consist of:  Teaching the skill set [...]

  • Recently a colleague and I were discussing client retention, during which he lamented the fact that he had recently lost some long-standing clients.  Several key points came out of the discussions which I would like to summarise below:   Focusing [...]

  • Pictures of business coaches in action

    Are you fired up to make 2023 your best Business year yet? The chances are, when you first started your business, you were incredibly passionate about it. Everything was new and exciting. You could do things your own way, set [...]

  • Pictures of business coaches in action

    Are you fired up to make 2023 your best Business year yet? The chances are, when you first started your business, you were incredibly passionate about it. Everything was new and exciting. You could do things your own way, set [...]

  • Have you rated your company against the 6 P’s of marketing? Do you know the significant influence this can have on your entire business? It goes far further into the organisation make up than just in the marketing department. What [...]

  • I grew up thinking that it is wrong to aspire to be wealthy. Being wealthy meant for me that you earned and accumulated more than you need. Later in life I did some serious introspection and realised that this mindset [...]

  • I love it when people say to me: "but Harry, it's not about the money." Really?!  Do you actually believe that? Now I'm the first to support that money isn't everything. There are a lot of things that are important. [...]

  • South Africa, is truly a country of abundance. We are blessed with beauty all around us. With places, I love like Table Mountain, Kruger National Park, Namaqualand, Vineyards of Franshoek, and the Blyde River Canyon. Did you know that South [...]

  • Navigating ourselves and our businesses in an ever-changing environment with macro-economic forces at play has become a real challenge for many. Yet, for every business that reaches the end of its road that are many more businesses that thrive despite [...]

  • Staff, employees, or team members; sometimes also referred to as aliens (well at least referred to as aliens by me), are always an interesting subject.  They are the easiest and best way to leverage any business but often also come [...]

  • In prepping for this blog, I asked Business Owners in my network what made them proud to be South African Business Owners.    The overwhelming response was – our resilience!  What makes us resilient?   We embrace The Stockdale Paradox. Admiral James [...]

  • A 2021/2022 report from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor showed that women displayed 20% less confidence when it came to their ability to start a business vs their male counterparts. What caused this? Perhaps it was the Covid climate that was [...]

  • The number of women entrepreneurs is on the rise. Many of these women are struggling to survive in the business environment given the unique challenges they face. In my experience as a Business Coach, many women-owned businesses are not given the [...]

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