Powerful Results Through Business Coaching
For a very long time, the concept of results was foreign to me. I don’t think I even noticed the word but I can tell you now – the frustration of plodding around the same hill, expecting to reach the top but finding myself back at the same spot became very annoying. Then something clicked. I needed to change my actions if I wanted different results because burning myself out doing the same things over and over made no sense. Can you relate?
Let me tell you a little story about bamboo. It’s one of the fastest growing plants on the planet, growing 1mm in 90 minutes and reaching heights of up to 30 meters in just one season. Here’s the thing though, before even a tiny shoot appears above ground, it has been already been growing roots for four years! To sustain such swift growth, the plant needs to prepare a sturdy root system.
Well, the same applies in business. A sustainable business needs a really strong foundation and coaching can help you do that.
The truth is; anyone can build a business. However—and sadly—many of us have never really learned how to. Business coaches are there to help business owners build strong foundations, so that their business can run successfully without them. Can your business run without you and still keep growing and thriving?
Remember that what you put into your business is exactly what you will get out. So, how do you get the correct results, and more of them?
Results come from SMARTER goal setting, i.e; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time–framed, Encouraging and Rewarding goals.
Results come from a Vision. Daily visualise what you want to achieve, not only in your business but also in your personal life.
Results come from a Purpose. This is really powerful. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask, “Why am I doing what I am doing?” If your answer does not leave you excited, then maybe you need to redefine your purpose. I can tell you, it is really rewarding and enlightening when you actually have a clear purpose. It’s what gets me out of bed every morning.
Results get money into your account. This is really sobering. If you want more money, stop playing Lotto, gambling, hanging around unhelpful people, partying etc. Focus on daily actions that put coins into the bag! What are your daily income producing activities? Try this – for every thirty minutes you work, note the income producing activities. For example, cold calling, follow up calls/emails, marketing, up/cross/side/down selling, networking, asking for referrals, building alliances, pitching, creating deals… you get my point. This must fill 60% of your working day. Paper pushing gets you nowhere.
Results are what you make of them. You can go it alone and that’s fine, as most of what you need to run a business is available online. I for one would not go this route ever again. Growing bamboo is totally foreign to me. The last thing I want is to prepare for years only to have a poor harvest, the competition outsmart me, I turn a bad profit, etc.
The other option is to get outside help so that you don’t have to be present all the time. When you are able to put yourself in a position to be rather working ON your business instead of IN your business, a well-skilled team takes over. A business coach can help you do this. You will then be able to take a bird’s eye-view of your business and know to who and how you will sell your bamboo, be massively profitable and do it over and over again.
Christian Harbeck, ActionCOACH Business Coach
christianharbeck.actioncoach.com | christianharbeck@actioncoach.com
Photo by Adeolu Eletu on Unsplash
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