I Choose…

Let’s be honest: 2020 has been a pretty crappy year.  Really weird things have happened all across the world.  Whilst you’re still trying to get your head around one issue cropping up another five others have already happened somewhere else.  Even if you’re doing well in many ways, it’s still been an emotional roller coaster and one that will have lasting memories, not all good, and for a long time to come.

When I look in the mirror, listen to the voices in my head having a heated debate or actually have an actual conversation with someone else, the themes seem similar;  tired, uncertain, challenged, concerned, desperately wanting 2020 to end and yet hopeful for next year (even though we’re not really sure why).  I feel bombarded by negativity, fear, fake news, real news, bad news, ‘grass is greener’ syndrome, people and their issues, lack of perspective and then some real problems – fortunately mostly of others.  I find myself needing an escape, some thinking time, alone time, downtime, silence or even a complete break.

I’d like to believe it’s okay to feel that way.  That perhaps I’m not the only one and that my bullet proof exterior has taken so many shots that cracks are expected and are actually quite normal.

Yet the challenges remain.  The frustrations exist.  Some within my own control and then a whole heap that I can do absolutely nothing about whatsoever.  So where to?  How do I get through 2020 with the right perspective to create a thriving 2021 for myself, my family, my business and all the related stakeholders?

Simple… I CHOOSE!

  • I CHOOSE… to believe in a better future that I can control and help co-create
  • I CHOOSE… to believe in the good of humankind and that we’re actually more similar than we’d like to believe
  • I CHOOSE… to believe that South Africa has untapped potential that I can assist in harnessing
  • I CHOOSE… to believe that humans are resilient and no matter what, we will prevail
  • I CHOOSE… to believe in a better tomorrow because of the collective contributions of passionate and inspired individuals that have always done so
  • I CHOOSE… to believe that I control my destiny and that there are still many things that I can do to influence and change my circumstances
  • I CHOOSE… to believe that my thoughts control my actions, and that my actions control my future
  • I CHOOSE… to believe in abundance and that together we can ensure that there is more than enough (abundance) for all
  • I CHOOSE… to believe that Karma is a bitch and that although the wheel turns slowly, it does turn
  • I CHOOSE… to believe that every individual has within them: the passion, power and resilience to create a better life for themselves

We’re all in the uncomfortable season where we’re trying to close off this year and then also already focusing on the next year.  I know that no-one will make YOUR life, YOUR family or YOUR business better.  Only YOU will!  I also know that it is impossible to do this journey alone.  Business is lonely and you need someone that has your back.  Get an ActionCOACH.  It’s really that simple.

Make sure you join me in creating your own choices to ensure you thrive.  Repeat after me:


Now go for it!

Harry Welby-Cooke, Country Partner for ActionCOACH Southern Africa

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

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