How to Achieve Your Goals in 2022

The forces at play here are those well known, often spoken about, and heard of – you guessed it – GOALS!  We should always be reflecting on, visualising, and planning our ideal future. December tends to bring the reality home of “Where has the year gone?” That being said, it is also the perfect time of the year to review the goals set and how we can go about being more successful at achieving our goals. In his book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill says “You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct, and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.” Is that currently true for you?  In recently undergoing this process myself, I got to thinking about how we achieve the goals we set for ourselves. The most important thing to be aware of here is:  

  • The starting point of all goal achievement is desire.  
  • Written, deliberate goals pack a lot of power. Make sure your goals are S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable/Attainable, Repeatable, and Time Phased)  
  • Simply visualise and manifest your goals believingly. Remember that beliefs are ‘personal truths’ built over time that affects how we learn and ultimately behave.  
  • There are powerful forces at work in the universe. Things like people, books, places, even some movies and TV shows etc. will start appearing and helping you achieve your goals. This does need your belief and manifestation. In other words, ‘coincidences’ do happen.  
  • There needs to be a shift in mindset regarding achieving your goals, committing to the action required.  

Your ideas, visions, and dreams, whatever they may be, are the ultimate manifestations of what you shall one day become and achieve. You can predict your outer life tomorrow by looking at your inner self today. You can change your tomorrow by changing your inner self today.    There are five areas of focus essential in the achievement of your goals:  

  1. Who do you have to BE to successfully achieve your goal?   
  2. What do you have to DO to successfully achieve your goal?  
  3. What do you have to LEARN to successfully achieve your goal?  
  4. Do you have a solid PLAN in order to successfully achieve your goal?  
  5. How do you have to ACT to successfully achieve your goal?  

By concentrating on being the best version of yourself and striving for your personal best in these areas – will result in the achievement of your goals.   You can never run out of things that you would love to do, be and see on this planet! The more you have them in your awareness, the more you will start meeting with ‘coincidences’ in your life that make them come true. Life starts working its magic when you live with passion and excitement. Remember, wealth is abundance expressed!

Geoffrey Fairhurst, ActionCOACH Business Coach | 

mage: Taken at an ActionCOACH GrowthCLUB (90-day planning workshop) when the client was creating his Vision Board for the year ahead.

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