2020: Reflect, learn and wave goodbye
As we enter the final month of 2020 many of us can look back on this year and agree that it has brought about many challenges that none of us would have thought of or planned for at the start of the year. The year has presented us with some highs and some lows, both in business and our personal lives. Some of us have lost colleagues, friends and/or family members as a result of COVID-19 and it is only fitting that we reflect on and celebrate their lives and contributions they made in many spheres.
As we look in the rear mirror of 2020 it is important for us to remember and record the lessons that we have learnt. These lessons provide us with the opportunity to be better prepared for whatever is thrown at us in 2021. It is important for us to document these lessons and to include them in our planning for the year that lies ahead, and this applies not only in our businesses but our personal lives as well. Take time to think about this.
The ActionCOACH Southern Africa team recently adopted our new theme for 2021—Extreme Ownership—based on the book by the same title and authored by Jocko Willink. I want to challenge each of you to take ownership of every facet of your life, irrespective of what life throws at you. This applies to your business, personal life, spiritual life, health and general fitness. We have to recognize that the results we achieve in these spheres are a direct result of our mindset and the decisions and choices we then make daily. Whilst the economy does still present many challenges, there are numerous examples of businesses that have achieved a successful pre-COVID level of performance as well as a record turnover. I have heard many people express hope that the new year will be an easier year. The reality is that it might not be easier. There will always be challenges, albeit different challenges. What will make it easier is to make the choice to be consistent, disciplined and plan ahead whilst taking ownership and acknowledging that; I am the owner of the outcome.
As important as it is for us to remember our learnings of 2020, the festive season requires of us to slow down, recharge our batteries, reconnect with family and friends and to remember that we celebrate our Saviour’s birth.
The Team at ActionCOACH would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2021. Be safe and be blessed.
Pieter Scholtz, Country Partner for ActionCOACH Southern Africa
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