A range of Business Coaching programmes for every level of the entrepreneurial ladder

ActionCOACH is the world’s leading business coaching firm, committed to providing exceptional business coaching and mentorship to businesses of all sizes.

What is a Business Coach?

A business coach is just like a sports coach, pushing athletes to achieve optimum performance, providing support when they are exhausted, and mentoring the athlete to execute plays that their competition does not anticipate. A good sports coach will make you run more laps than you feel like, will tell it like it is, and will always listen.

Your ActionCOACH Business Coach will guide you to run your business better and mentor you into becoming your best marketing manager, sales director and training coordinator that you can be, GUARANTEED.

Develop a successful business model the ActionCOACH way.

We guarantee a proven system and methodology that is designed to multiply profits in your business, with complete access to our proprietary system of coaching strategies, systems, programs and services.

How can we help you?

One-on-One Coaching

This is our signature programme and the most results-driven coaching any business owner can put to use. Our one-on-one business coaching system is so solidly proven that we guarantee results for our clients.

Learn more about our One-on-One Coaching programmes.

Group Coaching

From ActionCLUB, where you will learn how to improve your time management skills, to PlanningCLUB, where you will receive help on putting together a business plan. All of ActionCOACH’s business coaching programmes will help to position your business in the best position to begin growth.

Learn more about our Group Coaching programmes.

Workshops & Seminars

A range of highly focused and interactive half day, full day or two-day workshops. Learn the proven strategies business owners have used to increase profits, build winning teams and work fewer hours.

Learn more about our Workshops or our Seminars.

Not sure if you need a business coach?
Find out
why you need a business coach or do our 6 Steps self assessment.

man drawing on a board

ActionCOACH is the World’s #1 business coaching firm

Currently, ActionCOACH has offices in over 80 countries. Founded in 1993 ActionCOACH is one of the fastest growing franchises in the world.

ActionCOACH Southern Africa was launched in 2007. Since ActionCOACH Southern Africa’s inception, the brand has grown vastly, establishing over 30 franchises in Southern Africa and other neighbouring countries.

Learn more about ActionCOACH.

Meet our experienced team of business coaches across Southern Africa.

We Guarantee to tell the truth about you and your business no matter how uncomfortable it may be, or how hard it is to share with you the realities of your business and the changes you need to make.

Group photo of ActionCOACH SA team.

Listen to what some of our clients have to say

Business Resources & Tools for Success

Explore more Blog Articles, Upcoming Events… or have a look at our Business Tools to help improve your business.

We extend our sincere appreciation to our valued partners below: