What is a Business Coach?
A business coach is just like a sports coach, pushing athletes to achieve optimum performance, providing support when they are exhausted, and mentoring the athlete to execute plays that their competition does not anticipate. A good sports coach will make you run more laps than you feel like, will tell it like it is, and will always listen.
Your ActionCOACH Business Coach will guide you to run your business better and mentor you into becoming your best marketing manager, sales director and training coordinator that you can be, GUARANTEED.
How can we help you?
ActionCOACH is the World’s #1 business coaching firm
Currently, ActionCOACH has offices in over 80 countries. Founded in 1993 ActionCOACH is one of the fastest growing franchises in the world.
ActionCOACH Southern Africa was launched in 2007. Since ActionCOACH Southern Africa’s inception, the brand has grown vastly, establishing over 30 franchises in Southern Africa and other neighbouring countries.
Learn more about ActionCOACH.
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Business Resources & Tools for Success
There's a peculiar thing about human nature: we're all wired for survival, yet our modern lives are relatively safe. So why do we often feel as if we're on the brink of catastrophe? That gnawing sensation in your gut, the [...]
In the fast-paced world of business, where profit margins and market share often dominate the conversation, it's easy to forget one essential truth: "No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care." These words from [...]
Debt can feel like a shadow looming over every aspect of our lives, from the personal to the professional. It's that unwelcome guest at the dinner table, the constant nagging at the back of our minds. We label our experiences [...]
Have you ever noticed the uncanny resemblance between the entrepreneurial spirit and the whirlwind of ADHD? It's as if our minds are hardwired for a constant influx of ideas, a relentless drive to start new projects, and an insatiable hunger [...]
As an entrepreneur, you're often told it's not about the money—until there is none. That's when you realise that while money isn't everything, it certainly becomes the only thing when it's missing. This stark reality is something I've come to [...]
As we emerge from the shadow of the pandemic, I find myself reflecting on the conversations I've had with entrepreneurs and business leaders who are striving to adapt and thrive in a world that has been irrevocably changed. The challenges [...]
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