Case Study


Meet Ben Symington

“I’m happy to say within three months we could already see the value, within six months the value was even more apparent, and three years down the line, we’re still doing it and there’s no option for us to change.” Ben Symington

Where it began

In November 2012 Ben found himself without warning locked out of the systems of the company he was working for, and discovered he was being retrenched. Within a week he decided that he was going to start his own company. A few years later Hilary joined the business.

He was clear about growing a company with honesty, integrity and transparency.

Getting an ActionCOACH

Ben considered getting a coach many times, he knew there were important aspects of his business that he wasn’t getting to but he didn’t have the time. When he had met with a coach or two in the past he felt their approach was too aggressive and they didn’t deliver on their promises.

Then he met ActionCOACH Andy Hofmeyr in 2019. “A man with integrity, good morals, good ethics and a very good businessman in fact. Andy listens well, he understands, he knows what the right questions are, he knows what we should be doing, and he helps us to fulfill a lot of the missing puzzle pieces as it were.”

Business Milestones

  1. They achieved beyond their Goals smashing previous budgetary financial goals for the company.
  2. They have gained new customers through specific marketing initiatives, including networking.
  3. They feel that they think differently now and therefore act differently. “We do better because we know better. We are more intentional in our actions and decisions. Our approaches are more versatile.”
  4. The way they interact with their clients has changed. The way they sell and upsell ideas and the way they keep in contact with people has changed.

Personal Moments

  1. “A highlight was that with certain practices in place, the company was able to run without me for 3 months while I was very sick with COVID – a testament I attest to ActionCOACH. Andy continued to coach my wife Hilary through this period and helped cushion many blows.”
  2. “I’ve definitely grown as a leader – this is a unique highlight as it was unexpected. I’m not afraid to ask certain questions to other business owners, not afraid to share insights into what works for us and help others grow.”

Where to next

They want to grow their team to the point where they can be the Directors leading Managers who in turn are leading other staff and create groups that will take the company to the next level.

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Why at least 12-months?2024-05-06T13:16:04+02:00

If you’ve been in business for more than a few weeks, you’ve seen at least one or two so-called ‘quick fixes’. Most consultants seem to think they can solve all your problems in a few hours or a few days.

At ActionCOACH, we believe long-term success means we aren’t just offering suggestions or doing the work for you; it means doing the work with you, showing you how to do it, working alongside you and creating success together.

Over the course of 12 months, you’ll work on different areas of your business. Each month, you’ll see your goals become a reality, you’ll gain both the confidence and the knowledge to make it happen again and again—even when the first 12 months of coaching is over.

How will I find the time?2024-05-06T13:32:16+02:00

Again, the first few months will be the toughest, not because of an extra amount of work, but because of how differently you’ll work. In fact, your ActionCOACH will show you how, on a day-to-day basis, to get more work done with much less effort.

After the first few months you’ll find that you’re not working more, just working differently.

Then, depending on your goals, from about month six onwards, you’ll start to see the results of all your work; and if you choose, you can start working less than ever before. Just remember, it’s about changing what you do with your time, NOT putting in more time …

So, how do we get started?2024-05-06T13:57:23+02:00

First, you need to get in touch with your local ActionCOACH as there’s some very simple paperwork to sign and you’re on your way. Next, you’ll need to invest a few hours showing your coach everything about your business. Together you’ll get a plan created – and then the work really starts! Remember, it may seem like a big job at the start but with an ActionCOACH business coach you’re sharing the load. Together, we’ll achieve great things.

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