Case Study

Notefull Engineering

Meet Nokuthula Mpunzana

“My revenue grew by 251% in less than a year! People ask me how I have grown so quickly, they say I have grown as if my business is 20 years old, I don’t know how I was going to make it without you.” – Nokuthula Mpunzana

Where it began

Getting an ActionCOACH

Business Milestones

Personal Moments

Where to next

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What areas will you coach me in?2024-05-06T13:54:27+02:00

Our “5 Ways” and “6 Steps” are two of the most powerful formulas in the world of business and we put it to use to work with you in all areas to help you multiply your revenues and profit… but that is just one area of our focus. When you work with an ActionCOACH, the emphasis taken will depend on you, your business, and of course, your goals. These key areas are:

  • Sales and Finance – You can’t know if you’re winning if you don’t have a full understanding of the scoreboard. This is the backbone for creating profitable business, and one of the areas we’ll help you get spectacular results in.
  • Marketing & Advertising – If you want to make a sale, you’ve got to find a prospect first. Over the next 12 months your ActionCOACH will teach you amazingly simple, yet powerful, streetwise marketing techniques and approaches that will drive profits.
  • Team Building & Recruitment – You’ll never wish to find the right people again. You’ll have motivated, passionate, enthusiastic, and loyal team members for your business when your ActionCOACH shows you how to put our de-selection process to use.
  • Systems & Business Development – End the hopeless cycle of “the business running you” and begin running your business. We will show you the secrets of having your business “work”… even when you’re not there.
  • Mastery and Customer Service – Discover how to deliver your product or service consistently, making it easy for your customers to buy and leaving them feeling delighted with your service. Learn new ways to motivate your current customers to give you referrals and to ensure their repeat business.
How much will this cost?2024-05-06T13:34:33+02:00

Your investment will depend on the size of your business and the scope of our undertaking together. Your ActionCOACH will work this out with you so it will be appropriate for your business and the goals you want to achieve. But no matter what your investment is, rest assured that it is guaranteed. Yes, ActionCOACH was the first business coaching company to guarantee that you will find your fee within the first 17 weeks of coaching, or you don’t pay a cent. That’s right, we know our coaching system is so powerful it will improve your business, or you don’t pay. It doesn’t get any simpler than that.

Because of our guarantee, you won’t have to break the bank to work with an ActionCOACH. In fact, working with an ActionCOACH will bring you increased profit and revenues.

You’ll find having an ActionCOACH is just like having an accountability partner, business mentor, strategic advisor and sounding board – all for one nominal investment, an investment that is guaranteed to work.

Everything you do with your ActionCOACH business coach is a true investment in your future. Not only will you begin to create great results in your business, but you’ll end up with an entrepreneurial education that is second-to-none. With that knowledge, you’ll be able to repeat your business success over and over again in other ventures.

So, how do we get started?2024-05-06T13:57:23+02:00

First, you need to get in touch with your local ActionCOACH as there’s some very simple paperwork to sign and you’re on your way. Next, you’ll need to invest a few hours showing your coach everything about your business. Together you’ll get a plan created – and then the work really starts! Remember, it may seem like a big job at the start but with an ActionCOACH business coach you’re sharing the load. Together, we’ll achieve great things.

Can ActionCOACH help your business like they have helped Notefull Engineering?

Complete the form and submit, once our team receives the form they will get in touch regarding how ActionCOACH programmes could help and benefit your business.

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