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GrowthCLUB – Map out your next 90 days

GrowthCLUB is a once-a-quarter workshop that makes creating tactical plans for your business both educational and fun.

With one-day planning sessions every quarter along with monthly meetings to help you stay on course. In GrowthCLUB, you are trained on strategies that will help you master your time, be clear on your priorities and equip you with the mindset and tools you need to achieve your goals.

The day will be a M.A.D Day (Massive Action Day) where you will:

  • Map out your next 90 days
  • Learn from the other like-minded Business Owners in the room on the strategies they implemented in their businesses
  • Widen your sphere of contacts by networking with other clients face-to-face
  • And much more
How the day works, follow the link https://marlenepowell.actioncoach.com/growthclub90day-planning/


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