Case Study
EBL Institute
Meet Thabo Pitse
“As an ActionCOACH Business Coach I have the knowledge and expertise to help others, which is my passion.” – Thabo Pitse
Getting an ActionCOACH
Thabo always believed in mentorship, he had multiple people throughout his life fill this role in different ways until he met an ActionCOACH – Diederik van Niekerk.
Thabo hadn’t come across a business coach before and loved the information Diederik shared with him. Diederik took Thabo along to an ActionCOACH conference and he says “Immediately I thought to myself that I want to become part of this community, I signed the contract and said I’ll definitely coach with you”.
Three months into the coaching of one of his retail businesses, it grew its profits by 300%. He started building his team with ActionCOACH principles – the team grew, they became much more efficient and all their clients became their raving fans.
Business Milestones
Thabo had been running a training, mentoring and ‘sort-of’ coaching business together with a University in his area. He felt that the teachings were too theory based and wanted the expertise in practical implementation as well. Thabo felt that theory can only get you so far in business so joining ActionCOACH – the worlds leading business coaching firm, was the obvious choice and next step for practical business knowledge. Their almost 30 years of tested and proven practical systems were the missing, important, link.
He bought his franchise and started as an ActionCOACH in the beginning of 2020. He now combines the theory and the practical implementation from ActionCOACH to provide a much more rounded approach with his clients.
Where to next
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Again, the first few months will be the toughest, not because of an extra amount of work, but because of how differently you’ll work. In fact, your ActionCOACH will show you how, on a day-to-day basis, to get more work done with much less effort.
After the first few months you’ll find that you’re not working more, just working differently.
Then, depending on your goals, from about month six onwards, you’ll start to see the results of all your work; and if you choose, you can start working less than ever before. Just remember, it’s about changing what you do with your time, NOT putting in more time …
We are the leading coaching company in the world and we are also the only coaching company of any kind to guarantee our work, because we know you will get results!
We Guarantee to get results, and that you’ll be able to “Find our Fee” in your business within 17-weeks of ActionCOACH coaching your company or your coaching is FREE.
Remember we are still your Business Coach and we can’t do your work for you. You ́re still the player, and it will always be up to you to take the field.
We will push you, cajole you, help you, be there for you, and even do some things with you but in the end you ́ve still got to DO the work.
Ultimately, only YOU can ever be truly accountable and responsible for your own success, but we will guarantee to provide the best service and support available, to answer your questions and challenges promptly, and offer you the most current and appropriate processes and approaches.
We are fully committed to helping you become successful (whether you like it at the time or not). Once we ́ve helped you set your goals and create your plan, we ́ll do whatever it takes to make sure that you achieve your goals, at the same time promoting a balanced lifestyle as an overriding theme in all we do.
This is to ensure you never compromise either the long- term health and success of you or your company, or your personal values and what ́s most important to you.
If you’ve been in business for more than a few weeks, you’ve seen at least one or two so-called ‘quick fixes’. Most consultants seem to think they can solve all your problems in a few hours or a few days.
At ActionCOACH, we believe long-term success means we aren’t just offering suggestions or doing the work for you; it means doing the work with you, showing you how to do it, working alongside you and creating success together.
Over the course of 12 months, you’ll work on different areas of your business. Each month, you’ll see your goals become a reality, you’ll gain both the confidence and the knowledge to make it happen again and again—even when the first 12 months of coaching is over.
Can ActionCOACH help your business like they have helped EBL Institute?
Complete the form and submit, once our team receives the form they will get in touch regarding how ActionCOACH programmes could help and benefit your business.